
Better Defensible Decisions

If you continue to ignore the dangers of relying on common sense alone, you are subscribing to Einstein’s definition of Insanity: “Doing the same thing over and over, and expecting a different outcome” Caution! Don’t let your emotions hijack your behavior. Feelings and senses first enter through the spinal cord and go through the limbic system (where emotions are developed), before reaching the frontal lobe (where rational thinking takes place).
Thus we experience feelings before we can formulate a rational response. This is when feelings (intuition) and reasoning (logic) collide. This book is not a complicated treatise on mathematics, or behavioral science, or philosophy; it is a practical guide to decision-making presented in lay terms – aimed at everyone: Students, Homemakers, Managers, CEOs, Administrators, Small Business Owners, Politicians, and Presidents. It provides the tools, and the techniques required to make defensible, optimum, consistent, decisions in a timely manner.

The Negotiator’s Handbook

“Everyone makes a living by selling something”; and this buy-sell process involves negotiating. Thus living and negotiating are inseparable! People buy from people. Negotiating is integral to the buy-sell process. A willing buyer and a willing seller must negotiate! Even when buying a fixed-price item, you can negotiate: time, terms, delivery, service, warranty, add-ons, or any of the countless other things that are involved in a sale
Even when you make a phone call or send an email you are negotiating, in essence, you are trying to get the other person to understand or accept your views. Selling is not Negotiating! Selling: Is finding out what someone needs, and providing it for a price. It is about convincing people to buy your products, services, ideas, etc. Negotiating: is the process through which the parties agree on mutually acceptable terms on which the transaction would take place.
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