About Us
Dr Errol Wirasinghe comes with over 30 years of experience in optimization, creative thinking, decision making and strategic planning. An Oil & Gas industry specialist and University Professor, Dr Wirasinghe has published papers on Management, Engineering and Economics. His paperback books include “The Art of Making Decisions”, “Better Defensible Decisions” and “Essential Negotiating Skills”. Dr Wirasinghe graduated as Valedictorian from Teesside University, U.K. and was awarded the prestigious CBI Scholarship to do his Ph.D. He has carved out a niche as a “decision-maker” and a “creativethinker”, to shatter the myth and math of decision-making. Initially, this technique was used for deciding where to drill for oil, based on seismic studies from different locations. In 1990, Dr Wirasinghe adopted it for general applications. Today, his process is used in disciplines as diverse as budgeting, career planning, safety, purchasing, bid evaluation, recruiting, performance evaluations, customer rankings, etc. Fluent in English, Spanish and Sinhalese, Dr Wirasinghe has worked and trained professionals in Asia, the Middles East, Africa, Europe, North America and South America. He has a thorough understanding of cultures and values that govern religious, social and business conduct on many Continents. Several of his consulting projects have included negotiations on behalf of international clients. He is an entertaining speaker with a global outlook and a passion for the subject. He brings a wealth of real-life experience and has helped many organizations add value to their human assets.
Management Team

Marco Wirasinghe–Co-founder & Director
Being a member of the Board of Directors, he consults on business and marketing strategy as well as product development. Marco is the co-founder of the XpertUS project, which started in 1998. He developed the first three versions of the product before he joined Intel.
Marco currently serves as a Program Manager at Facebook/META. Prior to Yahoo, Marco was a Senior Architect working to develop Intel’s Centrino product family. Previously, Marco was a consultant and project manager at Air Liquide. He graduated with high honors from the University of Houston with a BSc in Computer Science in December 2000. Subsequently he obtained his MBA (Marketing), from NorthWestern’s Kellogg Business School.
Dr Jamison Dey – Director
Dr Day has 18 years of experience in information system and decision support technology. Before obtaining his doctorate in Operations Management and Decision Science at the Kelley School of Business, Jamison served as the Chief Technical Officer for Advanteq, LLC, a technology and business development consulting firm
Jamison is currently on faculty in the department of Information and Logistics Technology at the University of Houston where his research interests include decision theory models, inter-organizational supply chain operations, asynchronous coordination of artificial intelligent heuristics with optimization techniques, and pricing and procurement in revenue management.

Marie Vijedran M.Eng. – Non-Executive Director
Marie is a Chemical Engineer. She graduated from Imperial College, London in 1999. In the ten years following this she worked as a management consultant specializing in strategic safety and environmental management and training. Marie worked across the world in many industries including rail, oil and gas, and highways. She advised board level decision-makers and produced expert witness reports for high profile court cases.
In 2006, after becoming a mother herself, Marie started her own business training expectant couples to prepare for the life changing event of birthing their baby. There are many decisions to be made by expectant parents before, during and after the birth which can be fraught with emotion yet couples must consider medical advice. Marie has facilitated classes for hundreds of international couples. Marie has written a book on decision-making, ‘Mindful Decisions’, and is passionate about the potential for people to improve their lives through confident decision-making. She is British and lives in The Netherlands.
Dudley Anderson – Director
Dudley has a BS in Economics and a MBA in Finance & Marketing. As CFO of Burzynski Research Institute, Inc. (A publicly traded company), he has extensive board level finance and operations responsibilities. His strengths include capital enhancement, risk assessment, financial and economic analysis, budgeting, forecasting and strategic business development.
He has held senior positions, reporting directly to the President or the CEO, in the following companies: Transtexas Gas Corp – Senior Vice President Eastex Energy, Inc. – Vice President – Corporate Finance Serv-Tech, Inc., Torrance, Ca – Executive Vice President Dunn Intl., Inc., TX – President Cooperheat-Mqs, Inc., TX – General Manager Draco, Ltd., TX– General Manage